Hi everybody!!!
Well, it is the last publication in this blog to the first batxillerat, and if I see my writtings, I think that I had had an improvement on my level of English since September, and for example, I can see it in my language, because I was using a basic vocabulary and I could be look up one word in a dictionary for 1 hour (it is ironic ¬¬), but now I know more words and I write one redaction in less time, and I think that it is very good!
For me, one of the best activities that best shows my level of English is the traductions of the lyrics' songs, because you learn very vocabulary, but one activity that was very useful for improve my English it has been the oral presentation, because it help you to develop a topic and you must to know speak this lenguage for don't do ridicul.
On the other hand, I think that one activity that I don't find very useful to learn English is the podcast, because it is only for improve your intonation of this language, but it's funny to do =)
The next year I would like to do more traductions and games, because it is a good way learn a language, and it's a good way to amuse learning!
Well, I see you the next year!!! =)
dissabte, 30 de maig del 2009
The last week!*
Hi guys!!!
The first of batxillerat is finishing, but now we are going to start the worst week to the year, because in four days, we are going to do five exams, which are: Philosophy, CMC, Maths, Spanish language and History, and make a project of history.
Nowadays, everybody are very stressed because some people could repite this year, so they won't pass to second of batxillerat, and the other people will must to obtain better results in their marks.
My best recomanation is that these people start to study because it could produce a bad notice if we don't do our work now,...

I hope that you don't give up, and you do the last effort ;)
The first of batxillerat is finishing, but now we are going to start the worst week to the year, because in four days, we are going to do five exams, which are: Philosophy, CMC, Maths, Spanish language and History, and make a project of history.
Nowadays, everybody are very stressed because some people could repite this year, so they won't pass to second of batxillerat, and the other people will must to obtain better results in their marks.
My best recomanation is that these people start to study because it could produce a bad notice if we don't do our work now,...

I hope that you don't give up, and you do the last effort ;)
divendres, 29 de maig del 2009
The Championship
Our Barça, our team, our heart,... It is espectacular, impressive, striking,...
I'm very excited with F.C. Barcelona; why? Because it had won the Championship versus Manchester United 2-0, but it had not won only this coup, they had won "la Liga BBVA" and the coup of the Spain, so Barça become to the first team to obtain these three coups in one year, it is called the famous "Triplet".
In my opinion, these Barça is suppering to "Dream Team", because everybody says that it's the best team to the history and because they have ten players to "La Masia" and it never happened.
In this moment there are a lot of people celebrating this moment, and I am goiong to meet with my friends to talk about this event.
But I put here a song that reflect tis "Triplet":
Our Barça, our team, our heart,... It is espectacular, impressive, striking,...
I'm very excited with F.C. Barcelona; why? Because it had won the Championship versus Manchester United 2-0, but it had not won only this coup, they had won "la Liga BBVA" and the coup of the Spain, so Barça become to the first team to obtain these three coups in one year, it is called the famous "Triplet".
In my opinion, these Barça is suppering to "Dream Team", because everybody says that it's the best team to the history and because they have ten players to "La Masia" and it never happened.
In this moment there are a lot of people celebrating this moment, and I am goiong to meet with my friends to talk about this event.
But I put here a song that reflect tis "Triplet":
divendres, 15 de maig del 2009
Real Madrid 2 - FCB 6
Hello everybody!!
Now I am very happy because F.C.Barcelona has won Real Madrid 2-6 into Bernabeu!
It is historical because it never happens, so everybody (well, fans of the Barça) in this moment are falling in love with this team.
First of all, Real Madrid started to win with one goal of the Higuaín, but in five minutes, F.C.Barcelona was winning 1-2 thanks to "Titi" Henry and Puyol.
Fifteen minutes later, Messi scored other goal and make the 1-3, but Sergio Ramos has brought Real Madrid to Barça.
This day, F.C. Barcelona get inspiration and anybody couldn't stop it, and they scored the 2-4 ( Henry), 2-5(Messi) and finally the 2-6 was scored for Gerard Piqué.
I think that the best thing to do is go to celebrate it with ours friends!!
Byee!* ;)
dilluns, 13 d’abril del 2009
A different Friday
Hi guyS!
Today I will tell you a little summary of my last Friday, that it was different because we didn’t go to school and because it was sunny!
Well, on the morning, at eleven o’clock approximately, I get up and I went with my friends to tell between ourselves everything that we did in these week. Later, everybody went to their houses because was the lunch’s hour.
At half past three, Guillem Sanz, David Marín, Roger Vilanova, Marc Puig, Guillem Llach and I, met on the “Centre Civic” (in Sant Pere Pescador) because we would like to use the weather well and so, we decided to go to the beach.
First, Marc Puig and Guillem Llach went to the supermarket to buy something to eat and drink and in the meantime the rest went to the beach and we tried a good site, where there was a net to play volleyball.
When we went there, we started playing football and later we went to the volleyball net and we played here. Afterwards some Germans came with us and we were playing a match; the score final was bad for us, because we losed for one point,...
When the sun stopped to shine we went to a pub called “Sant Pere Center” and we were staying there and speaking to.
Finally, we took our motorbikes and went to David’s house and we played football and basketball.

Today I will tell you a little summary of my last Friday, that it was different because we didn’t go to school and because it was sunny!
Well, on the morning, at eleven o’clock approximately, I get up and I went with my friends to tell between ourselves everything that we did in these week. Later, everybody went to their houses because was the lunch’s hour.
At half past three, Guillem Sanz, David Marín, Roger Vilanova, Marc Puig, Guillem Llach and I, met on the “Centre Civic” (in Sant Pere Pescador) because we would like to use the weather well and so, we decided to go to the beach.
First, Marc Puig and Guillem Llach went to the supermarket to buy something to eat and drink and in the meantime the rest went to the beach and we tried a good site, where there was a net to play volleyball.
When we went there, we started playing football and later we went to the volleyball net and we played here. Afterwards some Germans came with us and we were playing a match; the score final was bad for us, because we losed for one point,...
When the sun stopped to shine we went to a pub called “Sant Pere Center” and we were staying there and speaking to.
Finally, we took our motorbikes and went to David’s house and we played football and basketball.

diumenge, 12 d’abril del 2009
The Police

This group was formed in 1977 in London but they started to play officialy in 1984; the members of the “The Police” are Sting who is the singer and the bass guitar, Andy Summers is the guitarist and Stewart Copeland who plays the drums; previously there was other guitarist called Henry Padovani who was replaced for Andy.
Since 1983, the group moved away and they didn’t do more concerts, except in this year, that they are going to go to 20 different countries to make a fabulous scenes.
We can see that the style of this band is the rock new wave English and it is influenced by the punk, reggae and the jazz.
The Police have extracted 6 albums, that they are: Ghost In The Machine (1981), Outlandos D'Amour(1978), Regatta De Blanc(1979), Synchronicity(1982), Zenyatta Mondatta(1980), The Singles (1986)
For me, some of the best songs are: Roxanne, Message in a bottle, Every Breath You Take, Next to you, ...
Since 1983, the group moved away and they didn’t do more concerts, except in this year, that they are going to go to 20 different countries to make a fabulous scenes.
We can see that the style of this band is the rock new wave English and it is influenced by the punk, reggae and the jazz.
The Police have extracted 6 albums, that they are: Ghost In The Machine (1981), Outlandos D'Amour(1978), Regatta De Blanc(1979), Synchronicity(1982), Zenyatta Mondatta(1980), The Singles (1986)
For me, some of the best songs are: Roxanne, Message in a bottle, Every Breath You Take, Next to you, ...
dijous, 2 d’abril del 2009
LCR Honda Welcome New Sponsor Playboy
Hello everybody!
Did you listen the recently new about Moto GP? Playboy adds to the sponsors of LCR Honda in Moto GP. The erotic multinational has formed his image in the motorcycle of Randy de Puniet, who is the only pilot directed by Lucio Cecchinello. The presentation of this new sponsor has been spectacular, in it have appeared some "does" (a famale rabbits) posing with the pilot and his motorcycle. Jejeje
This advertising has caused some problems in some countries. One of this is Qatar where it has prohibited this image because it "hits" the image of this country, so in this race, the LCR Honda mustn't add this sponsor in the motorcycle.
Did you listen the recently new about Moto GP? Playboy adds to the sponsors of LCR Honda in Moto GP. The erotic multinational has formed his image in the motorcycle of Randy de Puniet, who is the only pilot directed by Lucio Cecchinello. The presentation of this new sponsor has been spectacular, in it have appeared some "does" (a famale rabbits) posing with the pilot and his motorcycle. Jejeje
This advertising has caused some problems in some countries. One of this is Qatar where it has prohibited this image because it "hits" the image of this country, so in this race, the LCR Honda mustn't add this sponsor in the motorcycle.

diumenge, 8 de març del 2009
The research project

This year is our time to do the famous TDR, and the first that we must do is decide the our research project's topic, and it isn't very easy, because you are sure that you can search information about this topic.
Firstly I would like do the TDR about the physical education, but I didn't find a topic which liked to me.
Secondly I see a topic which is: "Jokes and set phrases in Catalan", but it's really difficult to do it, and finally I tried a topic which is relationed with the immigrants who come into the school, their way to mix with other people, ...
Well, in other post I will explain you more about this topic, because now, I must finish my homework and study a little bit!
Banana Bread

Today I want to put here a recipe of Banana Bread, that I never tasted this but I think that it is delicious.
- 2 eggs
- 1 3/4 c. sifted flour
- 2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/4 tsp. baking soda
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/3 c. vegetable oil
- 2/3 c. sugar
- 1 c. mashed bananas (about 3 bananas)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).
2. Beat eggs in a small bowl.
3. In a medium-size bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
4. In a large bowl, add the vegetable oil. Add the sugar a little bit at a time, and continue beating until the mixture is fluffy.
5. Add the eggs to the mixture in the large bowl and beat well.
6. Add some of the flour mixture to the large bowl and beat well. Then add some of the mashed bananas and beat some more. Continue adding flour, then bananas, then flour, then bananas, until everything is mixed in.
7. Pour mixture into the baking pan. Bake for 70 minutes.
8. Flip your banana bread out of the pan, let it cool for a bit.
Well, you can see that this recipe is easy to prepare and it doesn't spend very time, so you can make this in yours houses.
divendres, 6 de març del 2009
Frankenstein !

Today I want to tell you some differences about the Mary Shalley’s book, which is called Frankenstein, and the film of the Frankenstein, here you can see some of these differences:
- The death of the Frankenstein’s mother is different in the book versus the film, because in the book she died because was ill, and in the film she died a cause of her pregnancy.
- In the film Victor only has got one brother, who is William, and in the book he has got more, for example, in the book appears Ernest, the Victor’s brother but in the movie he doesn’t exist.
- Victor met Henry Clerval in the university, and in the book, they are childhood friends. Also, in the book, Henry died, and in the film he didn’t die.
- In the film, the chain has got a photography to Victor, and in the book, it has got a photo to the Victor’s mother.
- Felix and Agatha, in the film they are marriage, and in the book they are brothers.
- The death of Elizabeth is different too, because in the film, the monster pull off her heart, and in the book, Elizabeth was killed as the other people that the monster killed.
- Victor’s father, in the book, died about his sad, but in the film he was killed for the monster.
- In the books appears as the monster saved the life of the onegirl in a river, and in the film, this action doesn’t appear.
- When Elizabeth was death, in the film, Victor made a monster with her body, but finally she burned himself, and in the book it doesn’t happened.
- In the film, the monster died burn nearly to the Victor’s body, but in the book, the monster submerged in the ice.
Here you can read SOME of the differences about the book and the film, but there are more...

dimarts, 3 de març del 2009
Girona F.C

Hi guys!
Last Saturday I went to Girona with my father, Enric, Narcís and Marc to see a football match, in the Girona's Stadium, where is called "Estadi municipal de Montilivi".
This day, Girona F.C. played versus Còrdova F.C. and the final score was 1-1.
The match was a little bit bored, but it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it, because I and Marc cheered our team and we laughed very much with the other public, because they sang funny hooligans' songs, and the people that have in front of us started to imitate Núñez, Cruyff and some people to the next video:
Last Saturday I went to Girona with my father, Enric, Narcís and Marc to see a football match, in the Girona's Stadium, where is called "Estadi municipal de Montilivi".
This day, Girona F.C. played versus Còrdova F.C. and the final score was 1-1.
The match was a little bit bored, but it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it, because I and Marc cheered our team and we laughed very much with the other public, because they sang funny hooligans' songs, and the people that have in front of us started to imitate Núñez, Cruyff and some people to the next video:
But in the minute 50, we stopped to laugh because Natalio, who plays in Còrdova's team, scored the first goal, so Girona was losing...
The time was spending, and Cordova was playing very good, but four minutes later to the regulation time, Chechu shooted to a Còrdova's defensive and the ball finished into the goal, so the public were very happy!
Finally, everybody (except Còrdova's hooligans) was satisfied with the final scored, if we know the match's trajectory, but in general, this draw is bad for our team, because it has relegated one position...
La polla Records!
Today I want to talk you about other of my favourite musical group, that is called La Polla Records which were one of the first punk bands to sing in Spanish.
This group was formed in the Basque Country in 1979 for Evaristo, who now is the singer, Maleguin, that is the bass and Txarly and Sume, that play the guitar; but now there are new members in this group, that they are: Abel, who plays the bass guitar, Jokin, that is a guitarist and Fernandito, who played the drums, but he died of a heart attack in 2002 and had been change for Tripi, but then, the group didn't do any concert this year.
We can see that the genre of the music is as "Rock Radikal Vasco" (radical Basque rock) and have got influences about Ska, rock, ..., and their lyrics criticized the fascism, the capitalism and catholicism.
La Polla have extracted 17 albums, that they are: Y ahora qué? (1983), Salve (1984), Revolución (1985), No somos nada (1987), Donde se habla (1988), En directo (1988), Ellos dicen mierda nosotros amén (1990), Los jubilados (1990), Barman (1991), Negro (1992), Hoy es el, Futuro (1993), Bajo presión (1994), Carne para la picadora (1996), En tu recto (1998), Toda la puta vida igual (1999), Bocas (2001) and the last is El último (el) de La Polla (2003).
For me, some of the best songs are: Carne Pa' La Picadora, Johnny, No Somos Nada, Que Tururu Ay Que Tururu, Txus,...
Well, if you want to know more about this group, you can visit his website:
dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009
The carnival!

Today I am going to talk you about the Carnivals'09, that has been wonderful.
This year, I and my friends have dressed up as a mechanic because we choosed this very late, so with this dress we haven't prepared anything because it is easy to prepare.
First of all, somebody went to Roses to see "La Rua" of this city, and the next day was the carnival in our village, in Sant Pere Pescador, that in my opinion was spectacular, especially the party to the night, because I met very people and I enjoyed very much.
On Sunday, we went to the famous lunch of the Sant Pere Pescador, which is a tradition of this village, where some volunteers go to "L'Escorxador" and they cook six or seven "Paelles" for five thousand people (or more) approximately.
Normally, in the afternoon, the people go to see a football match, and later the old people go to dance in "Centre Civic" and the teenagers go to sleep because we have a hangover.
The next Monday is the worst day, because we must to go to school and we are very tired, so some people play truant. Jejeje.
Next weekend, we will go to Carnivals of the Castelló d'Empúries or to Millenium, and the other weekens I go to Fortià too.

My birthday !

Hi boYs and GiRls...! xD
Last Tuesday (17 of February) has been my birthday and now I am 17 years old.
I’m not the only person who has his birthday on this day, because Roger, Yury, Ariadna C., Adolfo Becquer, Micheal Jordan and Paris Hilton have been their birthday too.
First, I celebrated my 17th birthday with my parents and my brother and second with my friends with a magnific dinner, that I enjoyed very much, in a restaurant called L'Era.
Last Tuesday (17 of February) has been my birthday and now I am 17 years old.
I’m not the only person who has his birthday on this day, because Roger, Yury, Ariadna C., Adolfo Becquer, Micheal Jordan and Paris Hilton have been their birthday too.
First, I celebrated my 17th birthday with my parents and my brother and second with my friends with a magnific dinner, that I enjoyed very much, in a restaurant called L'Era.
After that, we went to the "Centre Civic" of the Sant Pere Pescador because was the Carnival of my village, so in this site did a party.
Well, no more to say and I haven't got any time to tell you something either because I am going to Ruki with my friends...
Certainly, thanks to all people who congratulates me!
I wish that everybody enjoy the Carnivals of the Castelló d'Empúriesm!!
See you ;)

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009
Hello everybody!

Today I want to talk you a little bit about my name, which is Pau (Paul in English).
Paul is a common masculine given name. It is derived from the Roman family name Paulus meaning "small" or "humble".The name is used in English, French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, and other languages.
This meaning isn't relationate with the personality and the character, because he is independent, decisive, adores the freedom and he is extremely brave in the life.
Ocasionally he is proud, but he is a person in whom it is possible to trust and "possess" if you need help.
The number that will bring luck will be five and the colour will favor him will be blue.

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2009
René Higuita
René Higuita (nicknamed "El Loco") has been a Colombian's goalkeeper in 1987, and now is the goalkeepers's coach in Real Valladolid. He is famed for taking unnecessary risks in a match and score three goals in his profesional career. He invented the scorpion save, which the keeper jumps forward, arches his legs over his head and the ball doesn't entry in the goal, in September, 1995, on a mattch that his team played versus England.
Now, you can see the moment that this peculiar goalkeeper made the famous scorpion save:
In 2004, he tested positive for cocaine after an examination realized after a match, that he played versus Olmedo, so the Ecuadorian Federation of Football suspended him for six months.
"El Loco" had participated in a various realities TV programs, for example in Cambio Extremo, where he has changed his apparence.
Now, we know more about other goalkeeper, who invented the scorpion save and made spectaculars moves outside the area of the goal

dissabte, 7 de febrer del 2009
My last expulsion

Today I want to write my first post of this new year 2009 and I talk about my last expulsion
in a match.
It had happened last weekend when we ( F.C. Sant Pere Pescador) were playing versus Vilafant in our village, we were winning 1-0 and when we starded the second part, the referee awarded corner but the vilafant's public shouted that the action was penalty and the referee pointed the penalty spot and we said him that he had wrong and he show me a yellow card because I'am protesting his decision, one minut later, a Vilafant's player was prepared to shoot while two players was discussing and the referee didn't say anything and I applauded him, suddenly he show me a red card and he said me that I could go to had a shower, but in this moment, Blai ( a Sant Pere's player) started to insult the referee and he slapped him too; obviously he was sent off. The final score was 2-0, because the Vilafant's player had missed the penalty and five minutes later, Ramon scored our second goal.
Today we are going to play versus L'Empordanet, but the goalkeeper will be a mid-field player because I'am expel one match, and Blai is expel 9 matches, together with Toni, that he is expel 3 matches and Carles that he s expel one match.

Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)