Today I will tell you a little summary of my last Friday, that it was different because we didn’t go to school and because it was sunny!
Well, on the morning, at eleven o’clock approximately, I get up and I went with my friends to tell between ourselves everything that we did in these week. Later, everybody went to their houses because was the lunch’s hour.
At half past three, Guillem Sanz, David Marín, Roger Vilanova, Marc Puig, Guillem Llach and I, met on the “Centre Civic” (in Sant Pere Pescador) because we would like to use the weather well and so, we decided to go to the beach.
First, Marc Puig and Guillem Llach went to the supermarket to buy something to eat and drink and in the meantime the rest went to the beach and we tried a good site, where there was a net to play volleyball.
When we went there, we started playing football and later we went to the volleyball net and we played here. Afterwards some Germans came with us and we were playing a match; the score final was bad for us, because we losed for one point,...
When the sun stopped to shine we went to a pub called “Sant Pere Center” and we were staying there and speaking to.
Finally, we took our motorbikes and went to David’s house and we played football and basketball.

5 comentaris:
I think it was a very good day we can repeat in summer :)
Pau Ubric in the beach! This is very nice. Pau I hope that you enjoyed your beach friday so I will go with you another day.
CU in class master! ( say goodbye no) xD)
I want to go to the beach: right now!! We're lucky we're finishing shcool in 2 weeks and we'll be able to go the the beach eeeeevery day. =)
see youuu!
Clàudia, YOU will be able to go to the beach everydaay!
If I do the same like last summer I won't go anyday to the beaaach!:(
Paaaauuu! comee on start workiing! ¬¬
you will have a lot of work at the last daaays!
see you tomorrow shh!:)
ohh yeah!
beach, summer.. relax..
this summer are you going to work in a camping?
see you tomorrowww!
pau pau pauuuu(K)(L)
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